Friday, July 29, 2016

Welcome to Session 4!

Welcome to HJIS Summer School for Week 4 (August 1 to 5)!

I am Brian Kudo-Li, the Grade 2 teacher at HJIS, and this is my fourth year at HJIS since coming to Japan from my hometown of Vancouver, Canada. I will be teaching the upper primary class for Grade 3 to Grade 6 students. I am excited to have your child join summer school. 

Pool Time
Don't forget pool days are Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Students can bring their own water toys but they are responsible for them. Instead of pool time, students can also play sports like basketball and soccer on the playground.

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me.

Main Teacher
Brian Kudo-Li <>

Assistant Teacher
Mr. Koc (Pronounced Coach)

One high school student from Horizon
One high school student from Hakuho Girls' High School

School Secretary <> Please send questions about school lunches, payments, and school buses to the secretary.

Topic for the Week Our theme for this week is Science and Engineering
Here is the newsletter for Session 4.

Day 5 of Week 3

It's already the last day of the week!

Today, students spent a lot of time practicing speaking and presenting their projects.

In the morning, students presented their research posters.

After snack, we spent some time preparing for our robot presentations and students wrote down what they were going to say.

Then we had pool time! The sunny weather made it a perfect day for playing with water.

In the afternoon, students presented their robots.

Then students packed up and we spent the remaining time playing some games in the ICT room.

Have a great weekend!

Thursday, July 28, 2016

Day 4 of Week 3

We finished so much work today!

We started the day with a small discussion about nature.

Then students spent the morning putting together their research posters. They did a great job on them.

After snack, we went to the park to draw some pictures. Then we went back to the school and played dodgeball.

After lunch, students finished working on their robots.

The students who finished early played with and controlled some Lego robots.

  • Pool day tomorrow
  • Students can bring the robots back home tomorrow if they want to keep them.

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Day 3 of Week 3

We started the day discussing ways that people hurt the environment. Students had to draw pictures to show different ways that they have seen people harm the environment.

Then we talked about how we can take care of the environment. Students drew a nice picture and wrote a sentence about one way.

Then we watched a cartoon about animals living in the wetlands. After snack, we went to the stream nearby to draw pictures and label the animals and plants we see there. They also had to write about how people are not taking care of the stream.

Then it was pool time! We were very lucky and that was when it started to get sunny.

After lunch, students continued to work on their robots. There are some small robots, cute robots, and gigantic robots!

Finally, we went to the ICT room to find pictures for their research posters.

  • We will walk to the park tomorrow. Please bring bug spray again.
  • There is no pool tomorrow.
  • As we are painting, it would nice if students wore clothes that they wouldn't mind getting dirty.