Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Day 2 of Week 3

We had a great time on the second day of Summer School!

We started the day with a Language Arts activity. We discussed what we wanted robots to do for us in the future. Then we reviewed the body part words by playing pictionary. Students also spent time doing some worksheets.

Then we watched another Science cartoon about circulation in the human body.

After snacks, students finished designing their robots and they were able to label them using the body part words we had learned.

For our outdoor activity, we played a popular North American game called Capture the Flag. We had a lot of fun.

After lunch, students continued to put their robots together.

Finally, students started doing research for their chosen environment.
Using a tablet and asking adults

Using books

Using books

Using computers and the Internet

Tomorrow, if it is not raining, we will be going to the creek for a little activity. Students can bring their own bug spray.